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User reviews

You can leave your comments and recommendation in the app store, we are reading all the suggestions.

The service is impeccable, safe, I have never had any mishap, the drivers are very friendly and helpful, the cars are always clean, with a pleasant temperature and environment, Punctual and the best, the rates that adjust to each need. Highly recommended. Keep in that way!

Maichael Jackson

It is the best app that I have tried in my life and the interface is very useful, very easy, with simple buttons and the BEAUTY of the previously agreed amount that truly ensures a fair price for both parties.

Nichole Cage

1- El promotor,conductores y los usuarios  van a recibir una membresía inmediatamente te hayan Faceedoor  y, luego de pasar eso va a recibir un 5% de lo que genere cada conductor que usted registre.

2- El promotor,conductores y los usuarios van a recibir créditos para para mantener su membresía permanentemente cierta restricciones aplican.

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